Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fall is here...

Summer's been busy, and blogging's been slow, but I'm hoping that a slowdown in activity of late, and a general love for fall will spark my interest in writing again. Plus, for those who don't know, I'm knocked up, and being knocked up gives me something new to write about. How knocked up am I? About 15 weeks...so no, not quite in Puerto Rico, this one is a post-vacay baby (wink, wink).

So, the haps on the pregnancy...so far, so good. Baby's doing well, mama's surviving, despite the inability to nap whenever I feel like it, or to eat whenever I feel like it. That's probably the biggest difference between this one and the last. I'm exhausted, as I was when I was pregnant with RE, but I can't just crash on the couch whenever I feel like it. I've got another human to attend to (or two, depending on the day). I also can't eat strange food whenever I want, simply because it's not as easy to get at strange food at all times of day or night, and Michael is much less amenable to driving around at 10pm looking for Frosties and grapefruit. Apparently he thinks I'll survive (doesn't he know?).

This birth will happen at Puget Sound Birth Center, under the care of midwives, and hopefully using HypnoBabies techniques to stay calm and collected during contractions. I'm hoping for, but not betting on a quick labor (only because Ryan was)...and trying to not get my hopes up. I'm also not getting my hopes up for an early baby again. Really, what are the odds? I'm excited to give birth with fewer (no?) interventions, and to really find a way to trust that my body can do this (it's done it before). I'm also looking forward to experiencing another birth...I'm sure that sounds strange to many, but for someone like me, who's life's work is now teaching about and supporting a physiological childbirth, I'm looking forward to experiencing one. I'm also, of course, looking forward to a new squishy, snuggly newborn in the house, and though I know it'll be challenging, I can't wait to sling a newborn again, nurse a newborn again, and just generally snuggle with a tiny. Ryan's also really excited to be a big sister, and thinks it's a girl (or just really wants it to be). We won't be finding out at the ultrasound this time, so we'll find out in March/April!! Also looking forward to that surprise, and experiencing that differently too.

Fall always brings change, and with that this blog will not only be about our family, and all the crazy that is us, but also about my crafts and sewing. I was trying to run them separately, but it just ain't happening, because, well, I can't separate one from the other! Crafting is life, sewing is life, and family is life, and they don't easily come apart. So look for fun crafty stuff and ideas on this blog going forward.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

I owe First Day of School Pictures!

She had a fantastic day...loves preschool. She asks almost every night if the next day is "preschool day" and she can't wait to keep going back. She thoroughly enjoys playing with whatever messy art project is available for the day, and every morning, heads straight to the little table with the "flubber" (weird gluey/playdough-ish contcoction) to play for a bit before moving onto what's next. Each day, when she gets in the car, the first thing she tells me about school is what they've had for snack. Day one: goldfish. Day two: graham crackers. Apparently, preschool is pretty awesome because they have good snacks. Sometimes she'll tell me more, sometimes not. Usually it'll come out as the day progresses. I think it's a lot for her to process all at once and she needs some quiet time to reflect on her day.

What I find fascinating about the whole thing is that this is the beginning of my little girls' school career. She's three and a half, and will be in school for the next 15 years. FIFTEEN! And of course, this has me thinking about the state of public schools, and how we, as parents, will be able to help her succeed despite what's happening in the schools these days (maybe by the time she gets to high school, a "D" will no longer be considered passing). It's a lot to process, and though it seems as though we have tons of time, we don't. Kindergarten is a mere 2 years away, and as is the truth in parenting, the days are long but the years are short.

And for those who were wondering, despite my insane pregnancy hormones, I DID NOT cry on the first day of school (or the second, or the third). Really, Ryan and I were both very ready for this, and I've been enjoying my quiet time to get things done as much as she's enjoying the time to learn and play with other kids her age.

A new coat for Peanut

In honor of the fall weather that's trying SO hard to creep into our lives (I'm welcoming it, but apparently I'm the only one), I whipped up a quick little coat for RE. Well, actually, this is a practice run, made from some totally adorable $1/yd IKEA fabric. The REAL coat will come soon, made from some fabulous loden green vintage wool given to me by my granny, but I wanted to try the pattern first on some less important fabric.

I've been trying hard to muster up energy these days (many of you know I'm a little bit knocked up at this point), and today, thanks to a lovely nights sleep and an at-home-husband, I found it!

RE loved it, which is always a bonus...I love that she's still of an age where she likes that I can make her things. I know that someday this will go away (maybe not though) and I'm enjoying and taking advantage of it while I can!

And, a nod to that summer weather that just won't quit:
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