Sunday, October 29, 2006

Ok, yeah, sorry, it's been a while

OK, so Ryan's 9 months old today. How did I wind up with a 9 month old??? When did that happen and where, oh where did my baby go?

So, quick and dirty, here's the update:

She's crawling, I think I blogged about that already.
She has 4 teeth, 2 top and 2 bottom. They came in one side at a time though, she looked crazy.
She stands. On everything. But not without anything yet. Thank goodness.
She babbles. Nothing sensical, though Michael and I are pretty sure we both heard woof in reference to Zoe, but we could be wrong.
She loves her piano and all music. I don't know if she's going to be a dancer, a musician, or what, but she bounces and smiles at anything with a beat.

In the last 3 months we've been to California, New Orleans, Mobile, AL, and Cali again. Weave got married, 'Lys got married, Mike got engaged, Julie's about to pop, we refi-ed the house, school started again, Michael got his new job at corporate, I started another business...damn it's been busy!

But, I love my crazy life. It's so fun!! I could do without school, but I'm almost finished with that, and this quarter is pretty good, so I'm ok. And it's fall, and we all know how I love fall, so again, I'm a happy girl. The leaves are a-changing, the weather is cooling off and it's time to break out the sweaters. I had butternut/apple soup for dinner and baked banana bread. I love fall.

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