Monday, December 25, 2006

Present Orgy

Ryan has figured out presents...they are all for her, and they are all super fun. She LOVED everything that everyone sent her, especially a baby doll from her GiGi. We've named her Olivia, or Livi and Ryan has been hugging her, kissing her, and stepping on her all morning. She LOVES the gumball thingie we got her with the gift card from cousin Mimi, thinks the shape sorter from Nonna and Poppa is pretty cool stuff, and loves the balls, books, and cups she got from us. She's had so much fun exploring all of her new toys!

Check out for videos of Ryan opening presents, including some Hanukkah gifts, and as always, there are a million pics on

We wish everyone out there a very Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkah, and a fantastic New Year!

Love, The Afrumas


Anonymous said...

Winnipeg, December 29, 2006. Happy Birthday, Ryan Elizabeth! Your guest-book has rejected my attempts to message you, so I'm trying this. Best regards, great-unkle Ken, for self and great-grandfather Fred

Anonymous said...

I love this baby and her mommy and daddy too!

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