Here's the update on the peanut:
She's now 12 pounds 12 ounces, 23 inches, and healthy!!
She continues to deserve the nickname "peanut".
RE did very well at her appointment, she peed on the scale, fun. And not just peed a little bit, but seriously soaked the ENTIRE scale, including bathing herself in urine. Again, thank goodness for baby wipes! And at least she was already nakie, cause if not, she'd be in trouble!
The shots were not so fun, of course, but after just a few minutes of really pitiful crying (from both me and her), all was OK, and as we left the Doc's office, she was smiling.
She is developing perfectly, doing everything she should be at this point: bringing her hands together, reaching for toys, tracking with her eyes 90 degrees, pushing up on her arms. She can also roll over and sit with support, so she's a bit ahead of the game in those areas. And of course, she's brilliant, but with me and Michael as her parents, it's to be expected!
And now, she's sleeping off the shots. It's kind of nice, I had time to get all my school work finished, work out some bridal stuff with/for Alyssa, and fill out some more of RE's baby book.