Sunday, December 21, 2008

Kid Mei Tai

I made one of these for RE ages ago, and then another for our friend's daughter whose little sister has now requested one for her birthday, too! This one was made with velcro at the waist, and on the body and straps, in the hopes that this 3 year old will be able to do it herself (or at least mostly). RE wouldn't wear it long enough to try it herself, though she did deem it "comfy" and told me that she really liked it and needed to share it with Ann (which to her, means, she should get to keep it). Maybe, if she's good, she'll get one for her birthday, too.

For those who are playing along at home, measurements are:
Body: 11x14"
Top straps: 3x35"
Waist straps: 3x14"

Once it's all sewn together, grab your favorite 3 year old to decide where to place the velcro. I just winged it, as I do most things, so I don't have specific measurements on this part.

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