Thursday, December 25, 2008

Present Orgy 2008

Breakfast. Mommy and daddy need coffee.
Woohoo! A camera!

The doll house. A big hit.
From Santa...a GAME!

A green sweater for mommy.
A green shirt for Ryan.

A green sweater for daddy.
And nope, this was NOT planned.

I do love the holidays. I've been alternating coffee and champagne all day, and eating croissants, eggs, sausage and potatoes. For dinner: chicken pot pie, a specialty of the Afro house. RE is thoroughly enjoying her new toys, including her new art supplies, so she can go "arting". She also got a tutu, a cute new sweater, a dollhouse, and some clothes (which she was less than thrilled about). Michael got me a Zune, which rocks, and I'm super stoked to download new music and even some movies. All of my handmade gifts were super well-received, and I know RE will enjoy the ones I am planning to make for her upcoming birthday.

I hope you all had lovely holidays, and are enjoying the time spent with family, and if you're having one, a white Christmas! We are, and with our fire in the fireplace, and cozy feeling inside, we're enjoying barely stepping outside!

Merry merry and a happy happy to you all!

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