Thursday, March 12, 2009

Projects in the works...

Just wanted to share what's up next in my little crafty world:

This tute for cute organizer bins. I'm very excited to make several of these for my craft area in the living room...not sure what all I have left, but I may even be able to incorporate scraps of the awesome curtain fabrics into them.

And...I just ordered Weekend Sewing by Heather Ross, and I'm already itching to make a few of the projects! I figured, for Amazon's price (only $18.50), that's cheaper than the three patterns I for sure want to make, and no doubt I'll find even more things to make in there!

This little girls dress

This mama top

And the cover skirt

Best part is, because I'm me, and I've been hoarding fabric for as long as I can remember (it must be genetic, I told you about the wool fabric I got from Gran that's unused from the 60s, right?), I've already got fabric plotted for the skirt, and the little girls dress, and I'm pretty sure I'll even have enough for the top. Woot!

As for the wool fabric, there's a buttload of it, and it may also become one of those skirts (winter-y wrap skirt?), but it will for certain become a coat for RE. I think this might be the winner...

Unless you have another suggestion? I'll have to get that wool out in the sunshine and get a picture of it. It's to die for...really.

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