Monday, March 23, 2009

Tiny Dancer

I cannot believe I just signed my baby up for her first dance class, bought her first ballet shoes and her first leotard. Sounds silly, but it's a milestone. I danced for years...all through my childhood, and on and off during adulthood. I was even taking ballet right before I got pregnant with RE. Dance, and in particular, ballet, have always been a part of my life. Once upon a time, I dreamt of being a prima ballerina, but puberty got the better of me (boobs and booty are NOT the stuff ballerinas are made of).

Now, before you go getting all irate on me, I promise not to be that crazy stage mom, dressing my child in whore-y costumes and enough makeup for a drag queen. Promise. Always hated those moms and have no desire to make RE into the next JonBenet (except maybe for halloween...). But, I do see a little girl who loves to dance, talks non-stop about ballet, ballet parties, ballet shoes and tutus, though she's only ever seen it on TV (and the occasional times mommy has put on the pointe shoes for fun). So we found a very low-key tap/ballet combo class at the local community center, and starting April 8th, she's off to ballet once a week!

I will post pics as soon as her garb arrives in the doubt she won't want to take it off anyway.


Lori Huneke said...

oh how exciting! I remember signing juniper up for the first time. It was all she wanted to do, and she still loves it more than anything. 4 years later! =) she will love it!

lindsay said...

I'm so excited too! This is one thing I am going to miss about having two boys. Can I go watch sometime??? ;-)

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