Tuesday, August 19, 2008


She's driving me bonkers...is 2:24pm too early for a cocktail? Is it less than fortunate that I'm wondering that?

She's been eating since 8am. I don't know why. She's had oatmeal, mac and cheese, string cheese, pickles, grapes, blueberries, fruit strip, and I don't know what else. Crazy amounts of food, and she's STILL whining that she's hungry. I think she's bored, or growing, but I honestly don't know what else to feed the darn kid.

So, she's running around the living room taking pictures of her chalkboard, her toes, and the carpet...awesome.

I'm tired already.


AlyssaP said...

See, THIS is what I try to explain to Chris when he says that kids don't cost all that much. I have to space Aden out - he'll eat a huge bowl of cereal and then ask for a cheesy stick 10 minutes later. I just tell him it isn't snack time yet. :)

lindsay said...

oh my! let's get together soon for sanity's sake. ;-)

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